Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ready to play?
Edge Zero would love for the regular crowd to join us Sunday 5/17, from 1-6pm @ the usual spot. We'll probably try some new game types, and also we have some new rules that will be permanent so please come early or on time so we can get right to playing after the rules and safety are covered. We learned a ton about safety, and it's all good stuff to protect everyone. I will bring a chronograph so everyone will be shooting @ the right FPS. (285). Also from here on out, A barrel sock or barrel plug will be required! you must have one!
Please bring your own stuff guys! Every time we play someone ends up short of what they need, and things get confused or misplaced. I have personally lost a bunch of gear (tanks, pods, hoppers, Squeegee's and so on) so come well prepared. After the trip I don't have extra stuff anymore. Also, the weather forecast is suggesting upwards of 90 degrees! It will be very hot, and drinks will not be provided, come ready to hydrate yourself. Sorry if this sounds kinda selfish, but this sport is way too expensive for me as it is, and to provide everyone with everything is too much, this is my hobby, not my job. So if you can make it let Me, Josh, Corpy, or Andrew know ASAP! and be ready to have a great time! If @ least 2 people want to volunteer to referee for a bit I can provide a mask and bright colored attire.

BARREL SOCK OR BARREL PLUG!!! (safety first!)
Gun/marker, barrel, mask, hopper, full tank, paintballs. (duh...)
Water/Gatorade (soda would be a bad idea...)
Good attitude =)

Team Captain: Edge Zero